Other than exercises there is another easy way out to keep you away from the toxins and your weight in control. Drink fresh fruit and veggie juices to keep yourself healthy and active. By introducing these juices in your daily routine, you will get an amazing body and healthy mind within few weeks.
Fresh juices give amazing health to our body
1# Go Green
Take some celery, parsley, apple, kale leaves, lemon and ginger. Place them in the grinder and mash them well. Now take a cloth or sieve to extract the clean juice of these veggies in a glass. This green juice is very refreshing and is the powerhouse of potassium, folic acid, calcium, iron and amino acid.
This green juice is rich in iron and potassium in the body
2# Beetroot and Blackberry Juice
Take 3 small beetroots, 2-3 apples and around handful of blackberries and add on half inch of ginger to it. Place them in a juicer and extract fresh juice out of them. This is very rich in iron and vitamin C. It is very healthy for your body as it will raise up hemoglobin in the body in an amazing way.
3# Lemonade Cleanse
Lemon has ascorbic acid which keeps the body clean and healthy. Just take 2 tbsp of squeezed lemon and add 2 tbsp of orange juice to it with 8 ounces of pure water. You can drink this water throughout the day eating nothing but consuming just this water to keep your body healthy and clean from that extra fat and toxins.
Lemon juice helps in flushing out toxins and extra fat from the body
4# Dandelion Tea
Dandelions are a great source of vitamin A, potassium, iron and calcium. Dandelion tea helps in detoxifying the toxins through liver and kidneys. Take4 cups of water and add 6 tbspn of dandelion root to this water along with 12 tbspn of fresh dandelion leaves. Boil them for about 10 minutes. Strain this water and then sip it warm for that amazing effect on your body.
5# Fruit Detox Drink
Fruits are very high in fiber and they are very helpful in cleansing the body as well. Take 1 orange, half banana, 4-5 strawberries, half cup yogurt, half inch slice of ginger, 1 small garlic clove and 1 tbsp flax oil. To this add 1 tbsp lemon juice and 1 tsp of protein powder. Place all these things in a blender and take out the juice. This juice can be consumed daily as it provides essential fatty acids to the body and also packed with minerals and vitamins.
Fruits provide lot of fiber and give regular bowel movements
6# Perfect Skin Juice Detox
Cucumber is very good for skin health as it keeps skin away from pimples and hydrates the skin well. Take 1 cucumber, 2-3 carrots, half lemon and half green pepper. Blend them well in a blender and then strain the juice. This juice is very good for keeping the skin healthy and also strengthens your hair and nails in an amazing way.
10 Best Detox Juices To Clean The Toxins And Healthy Body
7# Digestion Detox Juice
This juice is very good for cleaning up your digestive tract in order to keep your body healthy and active. It has lot of fiber and facilitates bowel movements as well giving you a clean colon system as well. Take 1 celery stalk, 1 lemon juice, 2 pineapple slices, 2 peeled carrots and I apple. Put these things in a juicer and take out fresh juice. Drink this once in a day with little bit of lemon juice added to it for a healthy digestive system.
This gives smooth bowel movements and healthy digestive tract
8# Fat Reducing Juice
Those who want to get rid of stubborn fat can go for this one! It is great for cleansing, fat loss and weight loss as well. Take a glass of fresh orange juice, ass 1 stalk of celery to it with 4 sprigs of parsley and 1 tbspn of pear pieces and 1 slice of pineapple. Blend all the ingredients together to make a smooth puree and drink it after straining or you may drink it without straining too.
9# Cranberry Juice
This is very effective in reducing the weight and it also delays the aging process as well. It is also very effective in curing urinary tract infections among women. Just take 2 apples, 1 pear, half cup of cranberries, 1 stalk of celery and 1 large cucumber. Put all the things in a blender to make a smooth puree. You can drink it without straining to get the amazing results and good taste for sure.
It helps in delaying the aging process and reduces the weight
10# For A Slim Body
Antioxidants are required by your body to detoxify it in a safest way and to get rid of extra fat as well. Take 1 mango peeled and diced, a glass of blueberries and 3-4 strawberries. Add them in a blender and make a smooth puree. There is no need to add any sugar or salt in this puree as it will have its amazing flavor.
This gives antioxidants to the body to fight free radicals
This will help in adding essential nutrients and minerals to your body by flushing out toxins and extra flab from the body.
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