When we were small, our parents use to remind us, again and again, to stand, walk and sit straight.
Do you know why?
Because maintaining a right posture is a preventive health technique that keeps both mind and body healthy. Also, it enhances your personality.
5 simple exercises to improve your
What is the Importance of Right Posture
If you maintain a right posture, it opens the airways, protects bones, supports back, strengthens spines and shoulders. Right posture will keep your back straight and chest open. This will make you breathe properly and your lungs will take more air and thus, the oxygen intake increases. This, in turn, improves concentration and energy level. If you maintain the right posture, it will make you feel better and look good.
importance of right posture
When we grow up and start working, our most of the time is spent, sitting on the chair and working in front of the laptops or computers and doing some paperwork. This makes our body posture suffer and with time it becomes the originator of a lot of health issues such as spondylitis, back pain, slip disc, reduced lung function, headaches, gastrointestinal pain etc…
If you are suffering from any of such health issues this article is for you. Even if you are not suffering from such health issues still you need to read and follow this article to prevent diseases related to the wrong posture in the future.
First of all, we will discuss the exercises that will improve your posture
5 Easy Exercises to Improve your Body Posture
1. Heart Opener
This is one of the most beneficial poses. Stand up next to your desk and do this shoulder and blade stretch exercise. Repeat this every few hours. Stand straight. Your back should be straight. Keep your shoulders back and your tailbone tucked in. Inhale and open your chest. While doing so, grasp your hands. Slowly lift your hands up and backward. Do not tilt forward or squeeze the shoulders. Now, exhale. While doing so round your back and bring both your arms to your front. Claps both hands and pull forward so that your shoulder blades and upper back is stretched. Repeat this 10 to 20 times in a day.
Heart opener
2. Back Extensions
This exercise will strengthen your back along with improving your posture. Lie on the ground with your face down. Extend your arms above your head. Keep your arms straight. Make sure to keep your head in and your spine in a line. Lift your shoulders and then return back to standing position. Repeat this for 5 minutes.
Back Extensions
3. Shoulder Roll
You can practice this exercise even while sitting at your desk. While sitting inhales and the raise your shoulders. Hold yourself for a few second and then exhale. While exhaling, pull the blades of your shoulder down. Repeat this for 5 to 10 minutes every day.
Shoulder Roll
4. Kneeling Stretch
Rest the knee of one of the legs on the mat and lunge with other leg. Place your both the hands on the knee that is in the lunge position. Push your hips forward and you will feel the stretch of the iliopsoas muscle. Repeat this with a lunge with other leg.
Kneeling Stretch
5. Crunch with a Twist
This move will fix your posture. Lie on the ground with your back. Bent your knees. Place both your hands behind the head. Exhale and lift one of your shoulders and rotate it towards the opposite side. Repeat this on the opposite side. Repeat the whole exercise for 5 to 10 minutes.
Besides the above-mentioned exercises, try not to spend more than an hour in one posture. Avoid sitting for long hours texting messages on your phone or talking. Do not wear overweight purse or backpack. Avoid slouching while you fly, drive or take a train, Avoid wearing a high heel and make a habit of standing at regular intervals and taking a small walk.
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