Kale is a popular green leafy vegetable which is low in calories and high in fiber. It can be consumed in the form of chips or as a delicious curry and it can also be added in salads and soups. It is very rich in Vitamin A and this is very good for the eyes.
Kale is low in calories and high in fiber
Kale also has abundant supply of Vitamin C and K which boosts the immunity of the body and keeps it safe from the free radicals. Let's find out wonderful benefits of eating kale.
1#High Iron Content
Iron is very good for health and it also keeps your hemoglobin level on a higher side which is good for your health. Iron keeps your body energetic and active. Kale is very rich in iron and it is also power packed with various nutrients that are good for body's health. It helps in cell growth and transports oxygen to various parts of the cells in the body.
Kale is a rich source of iron and increases oxygen in the body
2#High Fiber Content and Low Calories
Kale has leafy texture and it is very rich in water and fiber which further helps in digestion as well. It is filled with many nutrients, vitamins and folate which are very good for the cell growth and overall development of mind and body.
3#It is Very High in Vitamin K
Vitamin K helps in curing various cancers and also helps in curing various bodily functions. It helps in strengthening the bone health, blood clotting and also improves cognitive functions by preventing memory loss and Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin K helps in preventing memory loss
4#Kale is Anti-inflammatory Food
Kale is anti-inflammatory in nature and it is full of Omega-3 fatty acids which are good for brain power, arthritis, asthma and fighting off with free radicals as well. It also helps in boosting immunity of the body and keeps it safe.
5#Kale is Rich in Calcium
Kale has much more calcium than milk and dairy products. It helps in preventing osteoporosis, gives bone strength and maintains healthy metabolism. It also contains vitamin C which maintains the cartilage and gives flexibility to the joints.
Kale helps in keeping healthy bones as it has calcium
6#It Does Not Cause Hypothyroidism
Many studies suggest that eating kale might cause hypothyroidism but that is untrue as kale has nothing to do with thyroid. Kale is known to treat depression as it has phytonutrient molecules which helps in producing carotenoids which helps in uplifting the mood.
7#Kale Treats Diabetes
Kale helps in treating diabetes as it is rich in fiber, vitamins, beta-carotene, manganese which helps in turning protein into the sugar. It helps in maintaining the glucose levels and keeps the body healthy. It controls blood sugar and helps in treating cardiovascular injuries.
Diabetes is cured by Kale in an effective way
8#It gives Rare Minerals to the Body
Kale is a good source of nutrients like manganese, zinc which are very important for bone health and proper cellular function. Magnesium content in the body reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. It also provides potassium to the body which produces electricity in the body.
9#It is Good for Cognitive Functions
Kale has many flavonoids which helps in reducing the risk of stroke. It is very critical for brain and muscle health as it contains omega-3 fatty acids which prevents brain cell damage as well.It improves memory power and also helps in preventing Alzheimer's disease.
Kale has flavonoids that boosts memory power
10#Kale Helps in Lowering Cholesterol
Kale has high fiber content that is essential in detoxifying and cleaning the toxins out of the body. It picks up excess fat content and lowers down the cholesterol as well. Steamed kale is very good for health as its nutrients will be restored and it will provide great benefits to the body.
Kale helps in detoxify toxins out of the body
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