Tuesday, December 11, 2018

5 Natural Ways to Unblock Fallopian Tube: Causes, Symptom and Home Remedies

Natural Ways to Unblock Fallopian Tube

If you are trying to conceive but still unable to become pregnant then the thought that you are unable to give birth to a healthy baby keeps on rusting you.

Natural Ways to Unblock Fallopian Tube

Natural Ways to Unblock Fallopian Tube

One of the commonest health issue causing difficulty in getting pregnant is blockage of fallopian tubes. This condition is also termed as tubal factor infertility. Fallopian tube blockage accounts for about 40 percent of the cases of infertility.

Unblock Fallopian Tube

Unblock Fallopian Tube

The fertilization of the egg happens in the fallopian tube. So if there is any kind of blockage conception is prevented as sperm is unable to meet the egg in the fallopian tube for fertilization.

What are the Causes of FallopianTube Blockage

Fallopian tube blockage may be caused following a surgery, infection or inflammation. The blockage may be present in one or both tubes. A few examples of the conditions that may cause fallopian tube blockage are uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, tubal ligation removal and lower abdominal surgeries.

 Causes of FallopianTube Blockage

Causes of FallopianTube Blockage

What is the Symptom of Fallopian Tube Blockage

In most of the cases, fallopian tube blockage remains undiagnosed being asymptomatic. This conditioned is diagnosed only when a woman visits gynecologist with the issue in conception.

Symptom of Fallopian Tube Blockage

Symptom of Fallopian Tube Blockage

Are there Natural Ways to Treat Fallopian Tube Blockage

Yes, with a few changes in life style and with the help of natural home remedies you can treat blocked fallopian tubes.

Home Remedies to Treat Fallopian Tube Blockage


Yoga helps the body to channelizes energy. This keeps you healthy all over and also strengthens your fallopian. Yoga will helps to treat fallopian tube blockage by doing some yoga poses. Let us try this easy yoga pose.



Lie on the ground on your back, fold both the knees and bring feet close. Take a deep breath and lift your bottom along with backing off the floor. Make sure hips are in line with knees and shoulders. Uphold for a minute and keep breathing. Now exhale and bring your bottom down. Practice this for 10 times in a day.

2.Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil is known to promote the blood circulation and also removes the blockage. Castor oil pack remedy will helps to treat fallopian tube blockage.

Castor Oil Pack

Castor Oil Pack

Apply cotton soaked in castor oil on your lower abdomen and cover with plastic. Now apply heat for half hour. For this place a hot water bottle over the lower abdomen. Now remove the pack and rinse off the oil with warm water.

3.Ginger Remedy

One of the known remedies to treat fallopian tube blockage is ginger. It is known to reduces inflammation and also treats the blockage. Boil a tablespoon of ginger in a glass of water for 15 minutes. Strain the concoction and add honey according to taste. Drink this concoction.

Ginger Remedy

Ginger Remedy

4.Foods Rich in Vitamin D

Vitamin D is required by the female body to maintain a healthy reproductive system. Foods rich in vitamin D is to treats fallopian tube blockage. Foods rich in vitamin are dairy products, salmon, and egg yolk. Also, sunlight provides you vitamin D.

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

5.Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to reduce inflammation and thus it also treats fallopian tube blockage. Sources rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits, spouts and broccoli.

Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Besides the above home remedies make sure you quit smoking drinking and caffeine.

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