Worm Infections and Deworming in Children
As a mother, we are always concerned about our child’s health. Any small change in his/her health or routine may have an underlying cause that needs attention. One of the most common problems by which toddlers and small children suffer is infestation by worms in the baby's intestine.
Worm Infections and Deworming in Children
If your child suddenly suffers from loss of appetite or increase in appetite and craves for sweets, If your child grinds his teeth while sleeping and prefers lying on abdomen, losing weight, and if find your child scratching his anus he/she may have worm infection. Intestinal worms are parasites like Threadworm, Giardiasis,
Worm Infections
Tapeworms, whip worms, etc. these parasites are usually transferred in the form of eggs through infected food, water and can also be caught by walking barefoot on infected soil. On reaching the intestine, these eggs hatch and the worms grow to lay more eggs in the body.
Children are an easy prey for these parasites and can have serious effects on their body. If you suspect that your child has been infected by worms then look for the
What are the Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites
Symptoms of intestinal parasite includes loss of appetite or increased appetite, pain in stomach or bloating of the stomach, nausea and vomiting, a cough that is constant and with mucus in his sputum, scratching of the anus, weight loss, diarrhea and dysentery.
symptoms of intestinal parasite
The stool is usually greasy and soft. Children may show grinding teeth while sleeping. Other symptoms includes pale face and weakness. Your child may be sleepless or restless due to itching. There may be anemia especially in the case of hookworms. Also there may be painful and frequent urination and bed wetting.
Along with the above symptoms, you may inspect the poop and anus of your kid. White approximately 1cm long thread worms are easy to be noticed in child’s poop. You can also find a couple of worms crawling in their anus with the help of a torch while they are asleep. You may also notice redness of the anus and surrounding areas.
What should you do
Do not get panic if you suspect your child to be infected by worms as it is easy and relatively quick to get your child rid of these worms in their intestine. Seek for a doctor or discuss this with your pharmacist. The doctor may prescribe some medicine or deworming treatment depending upon the type of the worm. Also, the doctor may also ask for a blood and stool test before prescribing any medicine. Homeopathy works best in cases of worm infestations and has no side effect on child body.
You can also ask the homeopathic physician for preventive medicine against worm infections. Some of the home remedies to get rid of the worm are discussed below.
Home remedies to treat worm infestation
Apply asafetida mixed with ghee at the anus before sleeping. The smell of Asafetida is known to kill these worms.
Consuming juice of onion on an empty stomach is known to clear thread worms.
Eating a tomato empty stomach also helps to clear thread worms.
4.Basil leaves
Basil leaves are known to kill intestinal worms and clear them. Swallow them with water empty stomach.
Basil leaves
Take four tablespoons milk from unripped papaya and add it to 1 tablespoon honey and 4 tablespoons water. This mixture kills the worms.
Take the peel of pomegranate and dry it and then grind it. You may give it to your child by mixing it with sugar. This will kill the parasites.
7.Water and rock salt
Boil water and mix it with rock salt. This solution also helps to get rid of the parasites.
Water and rock salt
It is easy to get rid of these worms. Prevention is better that cure so to protect your child from getting infected again and again keep in mind:
Make your child wash your hands after short intervals. Boil water before giving it to your child. Wash fruits and vegetables properly before giving the child to eat or before cooking. Clean your house with disinfectants.
Do not let your child walk barefoot on the soil. Keep your toilets clean. Wash clothes and bed sheets regularly. Bathe your child regularly. Discourage your child to bite nails or pick nose or suck finger and thumb and change the nappies regularly.
Deworming is now quite a coarse exercise, particularly among kids. Worm infections spread easily and quickly causing re-infection so doctor may advise your whole family to undergo the treatment, just for precaution.
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