Acne is a common problem which is affecting almost all teenagers because of the changes in the hormones in the teenagers during puberty and sometimes it also affects most of the adults due to improper diet and imbalance of nutrients which is required for normal functioning of the body.
Topical antibiotics
There are different topical anti-microbial preparation available. They decrease the growth of microorganisms and lessen irritation. Be that as it may, they have little impact on unplugging blocked pores. In this way, they are normally great at treating aroused skin inflammation yet clogged pores and whiteheads may remain. You require a prescription to get a topical anti-toxin. Many treatment options are available in the market for treating acne-like pimples. Whiteheads, blackheads, and pustules but this creams might be effective for some and ineffective for some other individual for that reason people need to know which chemicals affect your skin type. Here in this article, I will be sharing best topical treatment which is best suited for your skin type and the type of acne.
Benzoyl peroxide
It is a typical topical treatment. It does three activities – it eliminates germs (microorganisms), diminishes blemishes and unplugs blocked pores. In this way, it frequently functions admirably to clear aroused spots and it clears clogged pores and whiteheads (comedones). You can purchase benzoyl peroxide at any drug stores, without a prescription. It comes in various bands and qualities.
Clindamycin and Erythromycin cream:
These two antibiotics clindamycin and erythromycin are highly effective in treating mild to moderate acne. These creams act by inhibiting the production of bacteria on the surface of the skin but this cream needs to be used for days to months even if the symptoms resolve during the first week of usage. It should be used 2-3 times a day because frequent usage can cause drying and irritation of the skin which can cause an allergic reaction. It is good for oily acne prone skin. Do not go out in the sun after application of the cream. A variety of creams with this antibiotic composition is Erytop, Eryacne, and Clindac A.
Retinoid cream:
These creams help in treating acne by unclogging the pores which might consist of harmful acne causing bacteria and removing the dead skin cells from the body. It helps in treating cystic acne by reducing cyst size because it has vitamin A derivative. It can be used in combination with another topical cream as it enhances the activity of other medicated creams.Don't worry if your skin peels in during first use because it is acting on your skin by removing dead skin layer. It is good for oily to dry skinned people. If the retinoid cream is not available you can substitute it with benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid creams.
Retinoid cream
Glycolic acid creams:
Glycolic acid creams are good for treating acne as well as acne scars by deeply penetrating into the epidermis of the skin. Glycolic acid is AHA(alpha hydroxy acids) derivative which is effective in treating wrinkles, acne, dark spots, and acne scars. This cream acts by exfoliating the dead skin layer of the epidermis while clearing skin which is free of all skin problems. It can be used on people who have old acne scars as well as new acne bumps. It is available in the market as Glyco 6, Glyco-A, Glyaha lotion, Decroma-6.
Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Pimple Clearing Cream:
This cream is formulated in such a way that it clears away big zit within four hours after its first application. It is also ideal for everyone including sensitive skinned beauties. It helps in healing big bumps which appear suddenly in the morning. It has new breakthrough technology which helps in clearing pimple within the short duration of time.
To what extent is treatment required?
Whatever treatment is utilized, it is typical to take up to four weeks for there to be any change that you can see. There is a reaction to treatment by six weeks. In any case, it can take up to four months (some of the time longer) for most extreme reaction to a treatment and for the skin to be by and largely free of spots. Take note of the most well-known explanation behind a treatment disappointment is on the grounds that a few people imagine that treatment is not working following two or three weeks or somewhere in the vicinity and surrender.
Will skin inflammation return after treatment?
Once the spots have cleared, skin inflammation usually erupts again on the off chance that you stop treatment. Mostly, after the spots have gone or are tremendously diminished, it is regular to go ahead with a support treatment to keep skin inflammation from erupting once more. It is basic to need support treatment for 4-5 years to keep skin break out away. This is common in the late adolescents or mid-20s. In a little number of cases, skin break out endures into the 30s, or even later. For these individuals, it is advisable to keep on treating the skin to hold it under control.
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