What is Snoring
Snoring is a very common problem affecting about 90 percent of men and women. It is usually an annoying situation for your sleeping partner that may cause embarrassment to you. It is defined as a sound that is caused by the turbulent airflow, which causes nose and throat tissues to vibrate. It occurs during poor sleep. Snoring is affected by sleep stages, position of sleep, alcohol, and medicines.
Get Rid of Snoring
What is the Cause of Snoring
Snoring occurs when the muscles in the roof of the mouth known as soft palate relax along with the relaxation of the throat and tongue muscles. The relaxing tissue blocks the airway. This vibrates the air that rushes past. If the airway is narrow the vibration is more intense and snore is more sound.
In some cases, large tonsils, a long uvula, excessive flabby throat tissue and soft palate may be responsible for snoring. Drinking alcohol also causes relaxation of throat muscles causing snoring.
Some people believe that fat people snore more, but seriously any body type may snore. Various products are available in the market that claims to stop snoring, but they aren’t much effective. In this article, we will help you to get rid of snoring problem with the help of several home remedies.
Cause of Snoring
What are the Home Remedies to Get Rid of Snoring
1.Peppermint oil- Being anti-inflammatory peppermint is very effective in reducing the swelling of the membranes that line nostrils and throat. This makes breathing smooth and easy. It is especially effective in the temporary cases of snoring that follows an allergy, exposure to dry air or cold.
Peppermint oil
Gargle with a glass of warm after adding 2 to 3 drops of peppermint oil. Practice this before sleeping. Do not swallow this solution or it may cause digestive problems. Alternatively, you may rub this oil to the lower portions of your both nose after diluting it with clarified butter before sleeping.
2.Tennis ball- Sleeping on the back may also cause snoring. You may roll on your back unconsciously while sleeping. This can be helped by a tennis ball. Put a tennis ball in the pocket of your old shirt. Now sew it properly to the mid-back of the top of your pajama. Now when you will roll you will become uncomfortable with the tennis ball. This will force you to sleep on your side. Also, this won’t wake you up.
Tennis ball
3.Olive Oil- It has anti-inflammatory properties that ease the inflammation of the respiratory passage tissues. This reduces the swelling and makes the passage clear for air along with reducing soreness. Just take three sips of olive oil before sleeping. You may mix a half teaspoon of olive oil with equal quantity of honey. Take it daily before sleeping.
Olive Oil
4.Clarified Butter Or Ghee- Certain medicinal properties of clarified butter are found effective in opening the blocked nasal passages. As a result, you will snore less. Just warm a little amount of clarified butter and put its few drops in your both nostrils before sleeping. Practice this daily.
Clarified Butter Or Ghee
5.Cardamom- It acts as an expectorant as well as a decongestant, and opens the blocked airway passages. Add a half teaspoon of cardamom powder to one glass of warm water. Drink this before going to bed every day.
6.Raising your head- By raising your head about 4 inches of your bed you will be able to keep your tongue from blocking the throat by falling back. This will open up your nasal tract. You may use pillows for this purpose
Raising your head
7.Practice Pranayama- It is a yoga exercise that teaches you to control your breathing. It also promotes the blood circulation to the brain and relieves sleep disorders.
Practice Pranayama
8.Turmeric- Having antiseptic properties and being a powerful antibiotic turmeric treats inflammation effectively along with reducing snoring. Take a teaspoon of turmeric along with a glass of milk daily before going to sleep.
9.The exercise of your tongue and throat- Practice exercises to make the muscles of your tongue and your throat strong. This will reduce snoring. Meet a physiotherapist to know the exercises.
10.Garlic- It builds immunity and reduces the inflammation. Chew one or two garlic cloves daily. This is followed by drinking a glass of water. Repeat this daily before going to bed.
Try any of the above home remedies to get rid of snoring. They are totally safe and also cost effective. Besides this also keep your home clean and free from dust to prevent any kind of allergy. If you know any more home remedies to treat snoring do share with us.
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