Diabetes is a slow disease which shows symptoms either slowly or not at all. This might leave people unaware of the disease and it will not be diagnosed as well. A condition that is called pre-diabetes often leads to type 2 diabetes and shows no symptoms. Whereas, Type 1 diabetes can go unnoticed and could be accompanied by vomiting, stomach pain and nausea.
Common Symptoms Of Diabetes
Here are some of the common symptoms of diabetes that should be checked and noticed well when they occur on frequent basis:
Diabetes has slow symptoms or no signs at all on the body
1# Feeling Too Much Thirsty
Diabetes leads to lot of thirst and more intake of water
If you have diabetes then you will feel thirsty all the time even when you have gulped down appropriate amount of water. This should be checked with your physician as this is one of the most popular sign of suffering from diabetes.
Diabetes leads to lot of thirst and more intake of water
2# Frequent Urination
When you drink more water then you feel the urge to visit washroom more for urination. Even with the presence of too much glucose you feel the urge to pee more. If the insulin is ineffective then the kidneys are not being able to filter it back into the blood. The water will be taken by the kidneys from your blood to dilute the glucose which fills up your bladder again and again.
3# Intense Hunger
Diabetes leads to hunger pangs when sugar is imbalanced
You might feel pangs of hunger if your sugar level is not right. You body will demand more food to keep up the energy levels high as cells might not get their energy because of inappropriate functioning of insulin in the body.
Diabetes leads to hunger pangs when sugar is imbalanced
4# Weight Gain Or Loss
In diabetes, normally you lose weight even when you are eating right. There are chances of gaining more weight as you tend to feel hungry and you eat more food. Weight loss is more common with Type 1 diabetes as your muscle tissues and fat will be broken for providing energy to the body.
5# Blurred Vision
Diabetes often leads to blurry vision
The lens of your eyes is a flexible membrane that needs strength and nutrition to focus on things. In Type 2 diabetes this ability is altered and there might be a chance of lens getting bend a bit which makes our vision blurry. When there are rapid changes in the blood sugar then you tend to get blurred vision.When your sugar level is in check then you will get back the normal vision.
Diabetes often leads to blurry vision
6# Unrelenting Itchiness
Diabetes impairs blood circulation which leads to itchy and dry skin which might be cured using lot of moisturizer. You will notice some changes in your skin as it might get prone to infections easily than before. Take care of such changes as this might be a sign of diabetes.
7# Foot Pain And Numbness
Too much sugar in the blood leads to numbness in feet
If there is too much sugar in the blood then it might damage your nerves. If nerves get damaged due to this then you might start feeling a tingling sensation in your feet followed by numbness too. Your feet might pain sometimes due to poor supply of blood in the nerves.
Too much sugar in the blood leads to numbness in feet
8# Lethargy and Fatigue
In diabetes the body is unable to produce insulin that controls the sugar level in the blood and due to this all your energy will be churned in producing glucose in blood for the body to function properly. This might lead to fatigue and lethargy in the body and you will feel low on energy and tired all the time.
9# Itching Around Private Parts
Thrush is a most common yeast infection for diabetic people
Itching or thrush is a most common a yeast infection which tends to affect warm, moist areas of the body such as the vagina, penis, mouth and certain areas of skin. It is commonly caused to the people with diabetes as high sugar levels can cause yeast to grow. A dry mouth with more glucose in saliva can also trigger the infection.
Thrush is a most common yeast infection for diabetic people
10# Bleeding Gums
Diabetes causes gum bleeding and you might lose teeth
Severe gum diseases known as periodontitis could show sufferers have type 2 diabetes in which bleeding gums might be the common symptom. Diabetes severely exacerbates the onset, progression and severity of periodontitis. Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease of the tissues surrounding the teeth that result in tooth loss.
Diabetes causes gum bleeding and you might lose teeth
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