Pregnancy Discomforts
Pregnancy comes with a good news that soon a new member will be added to your family, but also brings aches, pain, discomfort and strange symptoms. These symptoms are because of the changes in the body and changes in the level of hormones. Your body prepares your uterus to make more space for the growing fetus and for this your ligaments looses. The increased level of hCG hormone causes nausea and vomiting. Your digestion is disturbed. Also, there is pressure building up around the waist that increases with each trimester and ends only when the baby is delivered.
But there are few simple ways that will relieve discomfort and pain and will make your pregnancy journey easy. Let us have a look at them.
Simple Ways to Deal with Pregnancy Discomforts
How to Deal with Morning Sickness During Pregnancy?
During the first trimester of pregnancy morning sickness is common. In most of the pregnant women, it goes after the first trimester. However, in some women, it may trouble throughout the pregnancy. There are nausea and vomiting that are predominantly in the morning in most of the women, but again in some, it may trouble any time of the day. The cause of morning sickness is considered the increased level of hCG hormones and deficiency of vitamin B6 during pregnancy.
Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
To deal with morning sickness start your day with munching crackers, biscuits and salty potato chips, even before you get out of your bed. Eat small meals at small intervals. Never start your morning with liquid. Sniff lemon and ginger. You may have ginger tea. Better avoid foods with a strong smell and taste. Eat a proper healthy snack an hour before going to bed.
How to Deal with Tiredness and Fatigue During Pregnancy?
The first and 3rd trimester of pregnancy makes you tired and fatigue. This happens because most of your energy is used to build the placenta and in the last months in carrying the weight of the baby. To manage tiredness take plenty of rest. Sit at regular intervals, get the help of other members in household activities. Whenever you feel tired has some rest. Listen to your body, do not exert yourself and eats balanced and nutritious foods rich in protein, iron and calories and vitamins.
Deal with Tiredness and Fatigue During Pregnancy
How to Deal with Constipation During Pregnancy?
One of the commonest issue faced by most of the pregnant women is constipation. This causes stomach upset and later on causes piles and anal fissures. Both are very painful conditions and causes discomfort. Thus, it is better to treat constipation during pregnancy as early as possible.
Deal with Constipation During Pregnancy
Better eat foods rich in fiber and drink plenty of water. Also, do light exercises like walking to aid digestion and relieve constipation. In some of the females, Iron supplements may cause constipation. In such case talk to your gynecologist to give you alternatives.
How to Deal with a Backache During Pregnancy?
The backache issue usually begins by the end of 2nd trimester and troubles throughout the last trimester. This happens because of the weight gained and pressure exerted by the growing fetus. To get rid of back pain during the pregnancy try to sit, walk or stand with your spine upright. Do not wear heels and avoid sitting or standing in the same position for a long period of time. Do not lift heavy weights during pregnancy. Avoid bending knees and picking something from the ground, White sitting take the support of pillows.
Deal with a Backache During Pregnancy
How to Deal with Cramps During Pregnancy?
Many pregnant women have to face, stomach and leg cramps during the last two trimesters of pregnancy. This happens due to increased weight. One more cause of cramps is compression of the blood vessels by the growing fetus. Also, low levels of calcium and magnesium contribute to this. To avoid cramp practice exercises that include stretching your calf muscles slowly. Do this before going to bed. During cramps pull your toes back towards the knees, keeping your legs straight. Also, Stretch your calf muscles to reduce pain and discomfort. Make a habit of practicing stretch exercises every daily for 15 to 20 minutes. This will improve blood circulation and also prevents cramps. Massaging legs with warm oil also help. You may place your legs in a bucket filled with warm water after adding salt to it for 15 minutes. This reduces swelling and pain. Eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium and while sleeping put pillows under your legs.
Deal with Cramps During Pregnancy
The above-mentioned ways to reduce discomfort during pregnancy will surely make your Pregnancy journey easy.
Happy pregnancy.
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