What is an Antibiotic???
If we talk in medical terms, we can define an antibiotic as a medicine that restricts the growth and kills bacteria. And they are specific according to the type of infection or bacteria.
Natural Antibiotics
But Have you Heard of Natural Antibiotic?
Natural antibiotics are those you get from nature. They are no chemical still acts in the same way, to inhibit the growth of bacteria and kill them. The best part is that natural antibiotics are dietary substances and they do not harm gut bacteria and is safe to be used in the long term. Also, they boost body immunity and prevent a wide range of diseases.
Below is the List of Potent Natural Antibiotics. Have a look:
Top Natural Antibiotics Should Include in Diet
Top Potent Natural Antibiotics
Honey is an ancient antibiotic food with a long shelf life. It is a natural antimicrobial. Hydrogen peroxide, as well as sugar present in honey, renders its antibiotic properties. Also, the pH level of honey is low and helps in drying the cell of the microbes, leading to the death of the bacteria. You can use honey both externally and internally.
2. Oregano-
Oregano is rich in medicinal properties and has been Italian cooking for many years. It is a natural antibacterial. The active compound carvacrol present in oregano is very effective in treating skin infections. It effectively treats a number of skin fungal infections. To keep bacterias and microbes away, use detergents that are made up of oregano oil to clean your house.
Also, increase the intake of oregano in your diet and boost your body immunity.
In many of our articles, we have acknowledged, how garlic effectively treats a number of skin diseases and other infection. Alliin and alliinase present in garlic form an unstable compound when garlic is crushed. This active compound is known as allicin. It is active for just a few hours, but is responsible for antibiotic properties of garlic. Ingesting garlic in raw form after crushing it prevent body against various diseases. But when cooked allicin is destroyed and is useless. Try eating raw garlic every day. You may slightly roast it if you want.
Turmeric is a yellow spice commonly used in Asian cooking. It imparts a yellow color to food. But besides its use in cooking the medicinal properties of turmeric were very long discovered. Medicinal properties of turmeric are owed to the compound curcumin present in the turmeric. Curcumin is analgesic, antibiotic, antioxidant and antibacterial. Make a habit of drinking a glass of milk with a pinch of turmeric everyday and stay away from diseases. Turmeric is also applied topically to wounds and other skin ailments to fasten healing and prevent secondary infection.
5.Coconut Oil-
Coconut oil is antibacterial and is used for both cooking and cosmetic. It contains lauric acid. Lauric acid is a medium-chain fatty acid that is antimicrobial and fights bacteria, virus, and fungi. It destroys the microbes by destroying their lipid coating. Coconut also possesses antioxidant properties and boosts our immune system. The best part is coconut oil is low in fat content and so it is good for cooking.
Coconut Oil
cinnamon is one of the spice with strong aroma and taste. It is a natural antibiotic and also is known to lower the level of sugar. Mix cinnamon with honey and take it. But before taking it ensure that you are not allergic to it.
7.Apple Cider Vinegar-
The acidic nature of apple Cider Vinegar renders its antimicrobial action. It is a potent antibacterial, antifungal as well as an anti-viral. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and have it daily.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ginger consists of phenols and gingerols. Both compounds act against microbes. Both the compounds denature the proteins and destabilizing the cell membranes of microbes. Drink a cup of ginger tea daily to keep the diseases at bay.
Onion contain quercetin. Quercetin is a natural antioxidant. Also, high level of sulfur in onion makes it antimicrobial. Eat onion raw and also add it to your cooking.
Include the above mentioned natural antibiotics in your daily diet so that your doctor will never have to prescribe you over the counter antibiotics.
Stay healthy, stay happy.
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