Yoga Poses To Reduce Belly Fat
Belly fat is something very stubborn to battle out as it takes long time and effort to get rid of it completely. But, with the help of easy yoga moves belly fat can be tamed and reduced in a better way.
There are Many Yoga Poses to Remove Belly Fat
It is safe and takes up long time but it will definitely help in combating the abdominal fat. Here are some of the effective yoga poses that will help in reducing the belly fat in few weeks. This also helps in full body workout and melts off excess fat from the body.
8 Best Yoga Poses To Reduce Belly Fat
Let's take a look at some of the belly fat reducing asanas:
1# Board Pose
This asana is a full body workout and it helps in toning the muscles
This pose is a full body workout and helps in toning muscles and abs specially the belly area. Just start with a push up pose and breathe in as you gaze ahead of your hands keeping your spine straight. Remain in this position for 15-30 seconds before coming to resting position. Repeat this pose 5 times with a 15 second break in between.
This asana is a full body workout and it helps in toning the muscles
2# Pavanmukthasan
This is a good pose for soothing lower back pain and it strengthens your hips and thighs as well. Lie on your back with your legs stretched out and arms at your side. Breathe out as you move your knees towards your chest. Hold our knees and pull them closer to your body. Tighten your thighs and apply pressure to your abdominal muscles. Hold the position for 60-90 seconds as you breathe deeply. Breathe out and release the knees and rest your arms by your side.
3# Padahastasana (Forward Bend Pose)
Stand with your feet joined and hands resting at the side of the body. Inhale deeply and lift your hands straight up. Now bend your body forward and slowly bend forward completely touching your feet. Try to touch the floor with your hands. Hold your breath as you tuck your tummy in and wait for 60 seconds. Now exhale and leave your toes and bring your body back to the standing position with your hands resting on the sides of your body. Repeat this asana 10 times to get rid of belly fat and love handles as well.
4# Bow Pose
Bow pose helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles
This pose is ideal for strengthening the core and tightening abdominal muscles. Lie down on your stomach with your legs stretched out and arms by your side. Bend your knees upward and with your arms at the back hold your knees. You will find yourself in a bow pose and now hold this position for 15-30 seconds. Now exhale and come back to the normal position and let your body rest for 15 seconds. Repeat this pose for 5 times to get a flat tummy in few weeks.
Bow pose helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles
5# Chair Pose
Also known as Uthkatasana this strengthens your spine and pulls in the abs. Stand up straight with your hands in the namaskar position. Bend your knees as if you are sitting on a chair and raise your hands above your head. Bend your tummy in as you move deep into this position by bending downwards. Hold this position as long as you can and breathe normally. This should be repeated for 5 times in a day for a flat tummy.
6# Bridge Pose
This melts down the fat around the tummy and waistline
This asana gives you relief from fat around your tummy and waistline and also reduces stiff muscles. It also stretches the abdominal muscles and keeps them toned. Lie on your back and exhale as you push off the floor with your feet. Raise your body upwards so that your back and hips are off the floor keeping your neck down on the floor. Push your hands down on the floor and hold your feet with your hands for the support. Be in this position as long as your body can hold easily. Do not go overboard with this position for long. Repeat this for 5 times in a day.
his melts down the fat around the tummy and waistline
7# Forward Bend Pose
This will strengthen your back and tones your tummy area
Sit in the floor on a mat with your feet lying straight stretched in front of you. Also keep your spine straight as you bend forward to touch your toes. Make sure that your elbows are straight and hands are above your head. Once you touch your toes try to pull them backwards till you feel the stretch in your muscles. Breathe in and tuck your tummy in. Try to remain in this position for 60 to 90 seconds. Now exhale and bring your body upward by relieving your toes from the fingers. Repeat this asana for 10 times daily in a day for a flat tummy.
This will strengthen your back and tones your tummy area
8# Raised Foot Pose
This pose is also known as Uttanpadasana and for this you need to raise your foot up in the air by lying down on your back on the floor. This helps in melting away the fat from the lower abdominal region from hips and thighs. Lie down on the floor and stretch your legs up in the air keeping your hands on the sides. Breathe normally and do not move your hands. Stretch your legs up as much as possible and is easy for you. Hold this position for atleast 30 seconds and slowly bring your legs down back to the initial position. Repeat this asana for 10 times to see its positive effect on your body.
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