How to Get Rid of Itchy Breast
Every woman encounters itchy breast but most of the females it is just a temporary problem. But for some females, itchy breast is contact and embarrassing issue that affects their quality of life. In some cases, males are also affected by itchy breast.
Itchy Breast
Most other breast is caused due to hormonal changes, allergy, use of irritating soaps, fungal infection, dryness, lack of hygiene but may also be caused due to infections or even cancer.
If you have itchy breasts meet your doctor once to find out the cause. Common skin conditions can be easily treated with the help of home remedies. Below are few home remedies for the same.
Home Remedies for Itchy Breast
Home Remedies for Itchy Breast
Coconut Oil-
Coconut oil is antimicrobial and soothes skin issues. Apply coconut oil directly to the breast area. It fights the infection that causes itch and also is anti-inflammatory. Due to its fatty acid content, it hydrates skin and keeps it moisturized. Massage gently for a few minutes. Repeat this several times in a day.
Coconut Oil
Oatmeal is anti-inflammatory. It exfoliates dead skin cells, removes dirt, moisturizes the skin and soothes the itch. Oatmeal is anti-irritant and minimize irritation and redness. To get rid of itchy breast take an oatmeal bath. For this Add 2 cups of oatmeal to a bathtub filled with warm water. Mix well and soak yourself in it for 20 minutes. Then take bath with plain water and dry yourself. You may also make a paste of ground oatmeal by adding warm water to it and apply it to the affected part. Keep it for half an hour and then wash it off with plain water.
Witch Hazel-
Witch hazel has astringent properties and soothes skin irritation and inflammation. It is antiseptic and very gentle on the skin. Its antimicrobial properties prevent skin infection and speed up the healing. Soak a cotton pad with witch hazel. Use a pure one for the purpose. Apply it to the affected the area. Repeat this 3 times in a day.
Witch Hazel
Aloe Vera-
Aloe vera has healing properties. It nourishes damaged skin as it is rich in vitamins and also keeps skin moisturized and hydrated. It soothes the skin and relieves the itch. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and extract its gel. Apply the gel to the breast. Repeat this 3 time in a day.
Aloe vera
Apple Cider Vinager-
Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid and acts as natural antiseptic. It maintains the pH balance of the skin and prevents infection. Also. It is natural anti-itch remedy. Mix apple cider vinegar with equal apart of water. Soak a cotton ball with this dilution and apply on the breast. Use raw and organic apple cider vinegar for this purpose. Allow the dilution to dry and then apply coconut oil. In the case ACV dilution is causing irritation wash it immediately, add more water to the dilution and apply it again. Repeat this every day.
Apple cider vinegar
To get rid of breast itching try any of the home remedies for itchy breasts and get rid of discomfort and embarrasses. Let us have a knowledge when to meet a doctor in the case of the itchy breast. In most of the cases, itchy breast is a harmless condition and home remedies for itchy breast are enough to solve the issue and get rid of the underlying cause. But you should visit your doctor if itching is very bad not letting you sleep at night. Skin is infected and broken. There is discharge from the nipple and there are red patches on the skin of your breast that are tender and hot to touch.
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