Potassium prevents hypertension and stroke as well
Potassium is very important mineral for our body as it keeps the body fluid levels in check and aids in muscular function thereby regulating the bowel movements. It also helps people suffering from hypertension and lowers the risk for stroke.
Potassium prevents hypertension and stroke as well
Deficiency of potassium leads to insomnia
Deficiency of potassium might lead to insomnia, depression, muscular weakness and many cardiovascular issues. Most adults should intake about 4700 milligrams of potassium in a day. Let's take a look at some of the top potassium rich foods that can be consumed in daily routine:
Deficiency of potassium leads to insomnia
Eat baked potatoes for increasing potassium in the body
They are very good source of potassium whether they are white, red or sweet. Around 900 mg of potassium can be found in one potato and it is also high in vitamin C, iron, carbohydrates and fiber. Avoid frying potatoes and eating baked potatoes is the best way to consume them. Just bake them and add little salt for eating them daily in your diet and having a potassium rich diet.
Eat baked potatoes for increasing potassium in the body
2#Dried Tomatoes
Fresh or dried tomatoes are highly rich in fiber, potassium and low in fat. They also helps in reversing the aging process and keeps your skin healthy. It has high vitamin C that is good for immune system and it promotes digestive system as well. You can add it in curries or eat it raw in salads along with other veggies as well.
3#Kidney Beans
Kidney Beans are high in potassium and fiber
They are high source of potassium and fiber. Per cup of kidney beans measures to 600 mg of potassium on daily basis. Add them in your salads in the boiled form or eat them in meal by making it as a nice curry. You can also try soybeans along with kidney beans as they are also equally rich in potassium.
Kidney Beans are high in potassium and fiber
4#Dry Apricots
For a potassium rich snack try dried apricots as they are very beneficial when they are served dry or dehydrated. Just one cup of dry apricots will give you a healthy and balanced diet of potassium in your body. It is around 1500 mg of potassium intake required by your body. You can also try dried peaches, raisins, figs which are equally high in potassium and fiber.
Banana has high content of fiber and potassium
Banana has more than 400 mg of potassium and is available easily everywhere. Apart from being rich in potassium, it is also rich in fiber, vitamin B6 and C. For other fruits rich in potassium, you can try kiwi, oranges and strawberries. Banana can be eaten in raw form or in salads or in the form of shakes and smoothies.
Banana has high content of fiber and potassium
Avocado is densely rich in potassium and it has around 975 mg of potassium in it which is highly beneficial for the body. It is free from sodium and cholesterol and keeps your body rich in vitamins and your heart healthy.You can eat it in salad, eat it in a raw form or make a smoothie in the morning by adding more fruits to it. In every way, avocado is healthy and amazing for your health.
Fish is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids and potassium
Certain fish like tuna, salmon, halibut, flounder and cod are rich source of potassium. Around 3 ounce of salmon will give around 500 mg of potassium. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Apart from fish, red meat, chicken and turkey are also rich in potassium.
Fish is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids and potassium
Dairy products are also very good for potassium build up in the body. A cup of whole milk gives more than 300 mg of potassium to the body, yogurt has 350-500 mg of potassium content. So include milk and yogurt in your daily diet for getting your amazing potassium diet.
9#Dark Green Veggies
Green leafy veggies are rich source of potassium and iron
Dark green leafy veggies like kale, spinach, fenugreek contains around 600-800 mg of potassium. Green leafy veggies are a powerhouse of nutrition, potassium and fiber for the body. It helps in building up hemoglobin and treating all the deficiencies in a better way. They are low in calories and high in minerals and vitamins which is very good for maintaining a healthy body.
Green leafy veggies are rich source of potassium and iron
This has been the latest superfood among all for its goodness in potassium, vitamin A and C, calcium and magnesium. You can consume it in the form of chips or you can prepare its curry as well. Both ways it will provide high nutrition to your body. It can also be added to the salad in a raw form to give your body a rich form of nutrients and potassium.
Eat mushrooms in a salad or curry form to gain potassium
Mushrooms have around 356 mg of potassium equivalent to banana. You should cook them well before eating as they can't be eaten in the raw form. You can steam them or boil them and make its curry along with other veggies. Or you can add boiled mushrooms in salad and have them with a pinch of alt and lemon in the salad. It can also be a great pizza topping along with baby corn and jalapenos.
Eat mushrooms in a salad or curry form to gain potassium
Drink cabbage soup to derive potassium benefits on the body
Cabbage has high amount of potassium that is around 196 mg which is very good for the body. You can include cabbage in salads, soups, curries to consume them everyday.
Drink cabbage soup to derive potassium benefits on the body
It also has lot of fiber which also helps in keeping bowel movements in check. It also helps in regulating the healthy digestive system and promotes weight loss. Drink cabbage soup to derive more benefits and potassium out of this wonder veggie.
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