Belly fat is stubborn and clings on and around the stomach giving an odd look to your figure. Dieting is not the only solution to lose belly fat as this might harm your body in one way or another. Just by following some home remedies and cutting off junk food from your daily diet you can have a flat stomach naturally.
Belly fat can be burnt by natural remedies
Here are some natural ways to get a flat stomach in few weeks and they are safe on your body as well.
Take 1 lemon and 1 tbsp of honey and mix them in a glass of hot water. Drink this water on an empty stomach in the morning. Honey has the ability to cut the fat and it boosts the immunity of the body as well. Hot water also helps in cutting down the fat and removes toxins that are present in the body and causes bloating.
Honey has the tendency to burn fat and boost immunity
Ginger is also effective removing the belly fat when taken on regular basis. Take a cup of water and add 1 tsp of ginger to it along with 1 tsp of honey and little bit of pepper powder. Now boil this water for 5 minutes on low flame. Now strain this water and drink it one in a day on regular basis. Honey will help in cutting down the fat and ginger, pepper will increase the metabolic rate.
Take 1 tbsp of honey, a pinch of pepper and some crushed mint leaves. Add them to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 5 minutes. Drink it after 5 minutes and get a flat tummy within few weeks. Mint helps in soothing the abdomen, honey and pepper dissolves the fat and boosts the immunity power in the body.
Mint leaves dissolves the belly fat fast
Cinammon is widely used in food as a natural fat burner. Just take half tbsp of cinnamon powder and steep it in hot water for 5 minutes. Now strain this mixture and add 1 tbsp of honey to this mixture. Drink this before taking your breakfast and before dozing off to sleep as well.
It may sound strange and pungent but garlic is a natural fat burner. Just take 3-4 cloves of garlic and chew it on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also drink lemon water after consuming garlic. Both of them will help in cutting down your fat on a faster rate.
An apple a day not only keeps away the doctor but it also reduces your belly fat. Apple contains potassium which gives the feeling of full stomach and then you will not have cravings. It also helps in fighting many diseases as well. Eat an apple in the morning with your breakfast and see that tummy size decreasing within few weeks.
Apple reduces the belly fat and is rich in fiber
7#Do Aerobic Exercises
Belly fat can be easily burned by doing some cardio and exercises to reduce the fat. You can join swimming classes, Yoga, cycling or simply go for a brisk walk to reduce that belly fat around your stomach.
8#Eat Salads and Fruits
Instead of eating fatty and foods rich in carbohydrates, just go for fresh fruits, juices and salads. Fresh fruits and vegetables have lot of fiber in them which gives you more energy and reduces the fat from the body in a natural way. Team it up with some brisk walking and you will get an amazing result within a month.
Fresh fruits and veggies will tame the cravings and burn the belly fat
9#Drink Water
Drink as much water as your tummy can hold as it has the power to flush out all the toxins from the body. It keeps you hydrated and healthy by decreasing the chances of bloating and keeps your stomach flat. It also reduces the water retention in the tummy area and makes your tummy look fit and slim.
10#Do Not Drink Carbonated Drinks
Do not reach out for colas and artificial juices as they are very unhealthy for your body and bones as well. They have high quantity of sugar that keeps your sugar level up and makes you fat. Also, stay away from the consumption of alcohol as it inhibits the body's production of fat burning hormones. Carbonated drinks also has gas which leads to bloating and this grows your tummy on a faster rate. So it is better to stay away from these unhealthy drinks.
11#Eat Berries and Nuts
Berries are good in providing antioxidants and fiber to your body and nuts give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. So next time, if you feel hungry just gran some nuts or berries to satisfy your hunger instead of grabbing that bag of unhealthy potato chips or spicy snacks. Berries have fat fighting properties as they reduces inflammation and also takes care of your blood sugar.
Beans are rich in fiber and it helps in keeping your stomach full. This will help you in staying away from consuming more calories. Full stomach will let you consume fewer calories. Lesser calories will make you less fat.
Beans help in consuming extra calories while eating
Cucumber has 96 percent of water and is full of fiber with less calories as well. Eat cucumber in salad by eating it raw on daily basis as this will give you freedom from belly fat and toxins as well. Your belly fat will melt on a faster pace and your body will remain healthy and safe.
14#Wholegrain Cereals
Never skip your breakfast as it eases off your digestion system. Take high fiber breakfast that is full of whole grain cereals like oats, ragi, quinoa. You can add milk to these cereals and some honey too instead of using sugar. You can also load them up with nuts and berries for that amazing taste.
Cereals keep your stomach full for long and gives fiber as well
15#Mint Chutney
Mint has the power to extract extra bile from your stomach and reduces bloating as well. Eat mint on regular basis and it will give your belly fat an amazing run away from the tummy area in few weeks. Take 2 tbsp of mint leaves, 2 tbsp of coriander leaves, salt to taste and 102 tsp lemon juice. Blend all these ingredients in a blender to form mint chutney. You can consume this chutney in the morning to melt that body fat.
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