Our eyes make this world beautiful. Any issues with the eyes, thus are a big matter of concern. Bloodshot eyes may be caused due to smoke, allergy, alcohol overindulgence and conjunctivitis. But have you ever thought that the blood vessels in your eyes may also burst and cause red eyes? This is commonly caused due to any kind of blunt trauma in the eyes.
Treat Burst Blood Vessel in the Eye
Just thinking about this gives goose bumps. However, no need to worry as this condition is not much painful. You might not be even aware of it until you see yourself in the mirror or someone else tells you about it. It is also known as sub conjunctiva l hemorrhage and usually heal on its own, thus do not require any specific treatment.
But the redness of the eyes may affect your appearance and make people avoid you thinking you have conjunctivitis. Also, if it is your big day like marriage or you have an important function to attend you might be looking for the ways to get rid of it. Here in this article, I will introduce you to certain home remedies to relieve broken blood vessels in the eyes fast.
8 Home Remedies to Treat Broken Blood Vessels in the Eyes
1.Cucumber- Cucumber has a cooling property. It is the best home remedy to treat broken blood vessels as it possesses soothing property. To use it, first place the cucumber in the freezer for an hour so that it is chilled. Take out the chilled cucumber. Cut it into slices. Take 2 slices and place them on your closed eyelids. Wait for 15 minutes and then remove it. Repeat this several times in a day.
2.Ice cubes- Providing cold is the fastest and most effective way to get rid of bloodshot eyes due to broken blood vessels. Application of the ice reduces the blood flow and helps to heal the broken blood vessel easily. But do not apply ice directly to the eyes, but wrap it in a cheesecloth or paper towel and apply to the closed eyelids for a few minutes. Repeat this several times in a day.
Ice cubes
3.Jasmine flower- Again, this is a traditional remedy to treat broken blood vessels in the eyes. Gather around 10 jasmine flowers and put them in a glass of sterile water. Soak for about 10 to 12 hours and then strain the water. Now with the help of a dropper, put 2-4 drops in the affected eyes. Repeat this 3 times in a day.
Jasmine flower
4.Bilberry fruit- Being the best source of anthocyanosides the extract of this fruit is very useful in strengthening the wall of the is that it also removes the dark circles and promotes the other functions of the eyes. You just need to drink its juice daily till your symptoms are relieved.
5.Spoon – Chilled spoon serves the same purpose as ice cubes. Take a teaspoon and keep in into the freezer. After an hour use the chilled spoon to press the areas surrounding g the eyes till spoon becomes normal in the temperature.
6.Tea bags- Green tea contains antioxidant and when chilled they provide a cooling effect to the eyes. Take 2 tea bags, steep them for 10 minutes and keep them in the freezer. After half an hour place them on your closed eyelids. Wait for 15 minutes and then discard them.
Tea bags
7.Rose water- Rose water not only is antibacterial but also gives a cooling effect. In the case of broken blood vessels soak 2 cotton balls with it and place them over your closed eyelids. After 15 minutes, discard them. Repeat this several times in a day.
Rose water
8.Chilled milk- This is also a very good home remedy to get immediate relief. Soak cotton balls with chilled milk. Strain them a little and place them on your eyes. Wait for 15 minutes and then discard the cotton balls.
Chilled milk
All the above mentioned home remedies are totally safe, easily available and very effective. If you know some more home remedies to get rid of bloodshot eyes caused due to broken blood vessels in the eyes pleases let us know.
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