The environment we are living in is surrounded by the contributors of death. Our disturbed lifestyle and poor eating habits are reducing our life span. Below is the list of death contributors, we need to be aware of. Having their thorough knowledge will help us to avoid them and bring the necessary changes in our diet and lifestyle.
Stress- The biggest cause of most of the health problems
Both physical and mental stress is a slow poison for our health and is killing you slowly. It is the root cause of a number of diseases, including life-threatening diseases. It may cause stroke, heart attack, nervous disorders, paralysis, hormonal imbalance, Erectile dysfunction, PCOS e.t.c…
Stress- The biggest cause of most of the health problems
Practice breathing exercises, meditation, yoga to reduce stress in your life. Listening music, laughing therapy and drinking lots of water also helps to combat stress.
Avoid plastic containers. They are slow poison
Plastic containers such as plastic bottles, plastic microwave containers, lunch boxes make you swallow poison contains Bisphenol-A or BPA. It damages our brain and also has a negative impact on prostate glands.
It brings behavioral changes, hormonal imbalance. The fetus and infant development may also be affected by it. Even plastic toys containing phthalates and plastic packing are also harmful. They may also cause cancer and other brain defects.
Avoid plastic containers. They are slow poison
Mobile phones- Death lurking from every angle
No doubt modern gadgets had made our life easy. But too much use and dependency are stealing our life span. The radiation emitted from mobile phones are very harmful and is killing you slowly. It is the biggest cause of infertility among men.
Mobile phones- Death lurking from every angle
Also, it contributes in stimulating cancer causing cells. Besides this, too much glare on mobile screens may cause dryness and inflammation of the eyes. These days mobile phones are also one-factor responsible accidents. Better limit the use of mobile phones and spend some quality time with your family and friends.
Sitting for a long period of time continuously is killing you slowly
Sitting continuously for more than 3 hours in one position will damage your vital organs slowly. It also results in delayed reactions and contributes to degeneration of body muscles. Our professional life persuades us to sit for a long time, but takes a small walk every 2 hours at least and keep changing your position.
Sitting for a long period of time continuously is killing you slowly
Do not neglecting mouth flossing if you want to live long
If you won’t floss daily your gums will become inflamed. This will make them easy prey of germs and prone to infections.The part to worry is that the infection causing microbes may also enter the bloodstream. Once they reach our vital organs they may damage them and may cause heart disease, strokes, and diabetes.
Do not neglecting mouth flossing if you want to live long
Electric blankets and electric heaters- stop using them if you want to live long
Overuse of electric blankets and heaters may result in the stroke and dehydration. It is one of the important neglected death contributor that is killing you slowly Females are more affected by them as they may suffer from endometrial cancer.
Electric blankets and electric heaters- stop using them if you want to live long
Kitchen countertops made up of granite
Granite known to emit Radon which may cause cancer. It is slowly killing you by but it is deducting your life span.
Kitchen countertops made up of granite
Microwave oven- Limit its use
The radiation emitted by microwave may cause birth defects and cancer. It also hampers our immune system. Refrain yourself by cooking food in a microwave oven as it may cause high blood pressure and may upset your stomach.
Microwave oven- Limit its use
Surprising and shocking fact- your toothpaste may be a slow poison
Toothpaste that contains Triclosan may result in heart and nervous system diseases. Better use herbal toothpaste. Also, read the ingredients properly before buying a toothpaste for yourself and family members.
Surprising and shocking fact- your toothpaste may be a slow poison
Air fresheners- A fragrant slow poison
Room fresheners contain chemicals such as neotame and aspartame. They cause hypertension, diabetes and other cardiovascular and nervous system problems.
Air fresheners- A fragrant slow poison
Unwrinkle synthetic clothes- Refrain yourself from wearing them
To make wrinkle free clothes they are loaded with formaldehyde, pesticides, formaldehyde, brominated flame retard and Teflon. These chemicals are absorbed by your body once you wear these clothes and they cause infertility, dermatitis, allergy, sensitivity, breathing problems, other respiratory diseases, and cancer.
Unwrinkle synthetic clothes- Refrain yourself from wearing them
Beware of the contents of your cosmetics and shampoos
Do not buy cosmetics and shampoo that contains phthalates. This harmful chemical causes hormone imbalance and cancer. Also, some products contain Parabens that leads to breast cancer.
Beware of the contents of your cosmetics and shampoos
Instant noodles- do not fall for easily prepared foods
Instant noodles contain preservatives, artificial colors, and additives. These processed foods contain monosodium glutamate and tertiary-butyl hydroquinone. Both are harmful for the body and may cause blood pressure, nervous system diseases and cancer.
Instant noodles- do not fall for easily prepared foods
Swimming pools- do not ingest swimming pool water
Swimming pool water may contain a chlorine-resistant parasite that is known to cause severe diarrhea, bladder diseases and also death. Refrain yourself from passing urine when in the swimming pool. Do not ingest pool water.
Swimming pools- do not ingest swimming pool water
Do not sleep more than 10 hours in a day
If you will sleep more you are inviting heart diseases and stroke.So better do not sleep more than 10 hours in a day.
Do not sleep more than 10 hours in a day
Cut down refined sugar
Refined sugar speed up aging, promotes free radical damage and feed cancer cell. They are killing you slowly so better reduce its intake as much as possible.
Cut down refined sugar
Do not just read this article and forget. Try to inculcate better and healthy life style and avoid the death contributors.
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