Here Are Effective Yoga Poses That Will Treat Menopause
Menopause is a condition which happens when the fertility and menstruation cycle comes to an end. It is a process of the body that occurs in females after a certain age but it brings drastic changes in woman from time to time.
Menopause brings in lot of changes in females along with mood swings
Symptoms Of Menopause
Here are some symptoms of menopause that you need to look out for:
- Hot flashes happens at any given period of time during the day during due to which the face becomes red along with excessive sweating.
- Irregularity in your period cycle where periods either lasts for 4 days or for 2 days with irregular time period as well.
- Night sweats happen especially during the night time when you snooze off to bed.
- Reduction in estrogen levels also leads to menopause.
- There will be vaginal dryness more than usual and itching as well due to pre-menopause.
Yoga Poses And Menopause
Yoga indeed plays an important role in treating the symptoms of menopause in women so that they can lead a happy and healthy life. Follow the simple asanas given below to get relief from the discomfort caused by menopause:
Standing Forward Bend
Sukhasana helps in reducing the stress and anxiety from the mind
Also known as Sukhasana, this asana helps in reducing the stress and keeps your mind stress free. It also increases blood flow to the mind and helps in focusing on your breathing patterns. For this asana, you need to stand straight on a mat and then keep your feet a width apart. Now bend your upper body forward and then touch your feet with your hands. This will stretch your back and your arms as well. Stay in this position for a minute and then return back to your normal posture.
Warrior Pose
This pose helps in decreasing the stress that comes with menopause and also increases the blood circulation in the body along with building up strength. For this pose you need to remain in the standing position and then take your left leg back upto 3-4 feet and then bend your right knee. Now slowly raise your arms to shoulder height so that they remain parallel to the ground. Now raise your hands by few inches and then remain in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this for atleast 5 times and then return back to your normal position.
Side-Angle Pose
Side angle pose helps in increasing the blood circulation and decreases anxiety
This helps in decreasing the anxiety level and also increases the blood circulation in the body. This pose is somewhat similar to the warrior pose and for this you need to bring your elbow down to your right knee. Now raise your left hand up in the air and stretch it keeping your left feet stretched ahead to the left side. Remain in this pose for 10 seconds and then come back to the normal position.
Chair Pose
This helps in strengthening the muscles and back area as well. This also gives strength to your arms and legs. For this asana, keep your feet together and lift your arms over your head. Now draw your hips back bringing yourself in a sitting position. Stay in this position for a minute and then come back to the normal position. Repeat this asana for 5 times. Everyday to give your anxiety and mood swings a toss for a longer time.
Hero Pose With Raised Arm
This pose helps in giving strength to your spine and thighs along with relief in the symptoms of menopause. For this pose you need to sit in a kneel down position with your buttocks on your heels. Now keep your palms on your thighs and raise your hands towards the ceiling thereby lifting your hips a bit. Stay in this position for a minute and then get back to the normal position and repeat this pose for the five times.
Seated Wide Angle Pose
This pose calms down the brain and strengthens the spine
This pose helps in calming down the brain and stretches the inside of the legs. It also strengthens the spine and stimulates the abdominal organs as well. For this pose you need to sit on the floor with your legs wide open. Now keep your left hand on the right thigh and stretch your right hand over your head and bend your body to the left side. Stretch as much as you can and then do this to the next side. You need to repeat this 5 times at a stretch on daily basis.
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