Autism:How to diagnose it Early
Autism is a developmental disorder that not only impairs the child’s ability to communicate and interact, but also affects his/her physical, emotional, social and cognitive health. It is known to be caused due to differences in the brain. However, the exact cause of this difference is unknown. This disorder may exist for a long time or the whole life.
Although autism has no cure, if diagnosed in early stages, proper treatment may help to reduce symptoms, support the development and improve the learning process of the child.
The diagnosis of autism requires specific medical tests. But parents can recognise the early markers that are an indication of autism. This will help to seek professional help over time.
Below we will discuss the earliest sign and symptoms of autism in comparison to a normal child.
Child up to 6 months-
Usually, a normal child starts giving a big smile by this time. You may witness their joyful or other warm expressions.
This expression is absent in an autistic child.
Child up to 9 months-
A normal child up to this age starts sharing back and forth smiles, other expressions. He also starts making different types of sounds in response. This is absent in autistic children. But you may find them giggling without any reason.
Up to 12 months-
Most of the babies of this age start responding when they hear someone calling their names. You may hear them babbling which is usually referred as baby talks. He starts turning to what ever is pointed or showed. He learns waving and tries to share other gestures. Again with an autistic child, all these developments are absent.
Up to 16 months-
A normal child can tell about their basic needs by this time. But an autistic child is unable to do that. They may want to be left alone and prefers being at home. Even if they talk to you, they won’t be looking at you. They fail to respond to their parent’s affection or anger displays and may not like cuddling or kissing.
Child Up to 2 years-
Unlike a normal toddler who tries to intimate his parents and others, an autistic child shows no interest in people. They prefer playing alone and finds it challenging to engage themselves in social games. They face social challenges as they find it difficult to interact with others.
Also, they are unable to speak two-word meaningful phrase properly and may repeat a word or phrase again and again.
The autistic child is unable to see things from others perspectives and may not understand others feeling. Minor changes may upset them.
The child may continuously flap his hands, spin in circles, rock his body and may have some obsessive interests.
Autism makes a child think, learn, behave, communicate and interact differently. To improve their quality of living early intensive behavioural intervention is needed. Some such intervention models have been developed by the researchers. These models are executed by expert therapists, paraprofessionals and well-trained teachers.
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