Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Home Remedies to keep your Skin Moisturized During Winters

How to keep your Skin Moisturized During Winters

Winters is not fun for the skin. Due to low humidity and cold, the skin becomes dry and steals moisture from the skin. This why you need to take extra care of your skin during winters. If not take care your skin becomes dry, rough, cracked and bleeds. Not just harsh winter wind but indoor heat, harsh cleansers and hot showers also contribute to making your condition worse.

How to keep your Skin Moisturized During Winters

How to keep your Skin Moisturized During Winters

To counteract all this and make your skin smooth, glowing and youthful try the tips discussed below.

Tips to keep your skin moisturized during winters

Use lukewarm water-

You may feel good having hot showers, but your skin doesn't as it strips oil from your skin and makes it dry. Bathe and wash your face and hands with lukewarm water in winters.

Use lukewarm water

Use lukewarm water

Immediate moisturization-

Right after bathe or washing your hands and face moisturize it to seal the dampness into your skin. Make sure to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel before moisturizing.

Select your moisturizer carefully-

Petroleum based moisturizers further causes dryness. Better use a glycerin based moisturizer. You can make moisturizer at home by adding glycerin and rose water. Use moisturizers that have nourishing and natural ingredients. Instead of water-based solutions tries oil-based solutions that contain jojoba oil, or chamomile oil or lavender oil. Oil-based moisturizers soothe dryness and itchiness.

Select your moisturizer carefully

Select your moisturizer carefully

Protect your skin-

To protect your skin from winter winds wear a scarf and gloves. Alos, you need to apply sunscreen to the exposed area as even exposure to the winter sun can damage your skin as the summer sun.


Us of the heater and other heating systems dries the surrounding air. So better install a humidifier at your home especially in your living and bedroom. A humidifier will add moisture back to the air and prevent your skin from drying.




In winter we tend to drink less water and turn to tea, coffee and other hot drinks. But the truth is our body needs to be hydrated even during winters and needs water. You may warm water a little if you want but do drink at least 9-10 glasses of water every day.

Moisturize overnight-

Feet, elbows, hands and knees tend to lose more moisture and become drier in comparison to other parts of the body. Before sleeping apply a good quality nourishing moisturizer every night.

Moisturize overnight

Moisturize overnight

Exfoliate skin regularly-

Winter becomes a lazy time for us, and we forget to exfoliate dead skin cells. No matter what kind quality moisturiser you use if you don’t remove the dead skin cells it won’t gets deep into the skin. So make sure to exfoliate your skin gently once in a week. You may also use exfoliating body wash.

Avoid irritants and allergens-

If you have dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis avoid allergens that trigger your condition or results in flare-up/ Avoid fabrics that irritate. Instead, you may go for cotton layering. Avid chemical loaded cleansers or detergents.

Avoid irritants and allergens

Avoid irritants and allergens

Follow the tips mentioned in this article and keep your skin moisturised in winters

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